Homeopathy Melbourne

Homeopathy is holistic medicine.
AYUR CLINIC is a homeopathy clinic in Melbourne, Homeopathy in its traditional form.

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine which assists the natural tendency of the human body to heal itself. It acknowledges that all symptoms of ill health are a mere manifestation of the disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient that requires treatment and not the disease. It has been in existence worldwide for nearly two hundred years and its popularity is rising in the present day.

Homeopathy is derived from two Greek words “homoeos” meaning similar and “pathos” meaning suffering. Translated literally, it means “similar suffering“. It is a system of medicine propounded by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, a little over 200 years ago. Thus was born Homeopathy- Similar Suffering, and the law of heal– Similia Similibus Curentur, that is, ‘let likes be heald by likes’. In simple terms, it means, ” any substance that can produce a set of signs and symptoms in a healthy person can be used to heal a similar set of signs and symptoms in a diseased person”.

This law of similars has been a part of medical practice since the time of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, and is also mentioned in the ancient Indian scriptures, the Vedas. However, homeopathy as we know it today, was first formulated only 200 years ago. Even the term Allopathy was coined by Hahnemann to describe the type of practice prevalent at that time.

Homeopathy – A Holistic Science

Homeopathy is holistic medicine. Homeopathy doctors in Melbourne do not treat physical, emotional and mental illnesses separately, but regard them as intimately connected. These are all aspects of the whole of the patient’s suffering. Further, experts at homeopathy clinic understand that symptoms of illnesses are evidence of the body’s natural and automatic efforts to heal itself. These clues are used to guide them when prescribing a remedy.

So, the patients at a homeopathy clinic in Melbourne may be asked questions about all sorts of apparently minor deviations from health and about character and personality traits. It may appear that the homeopath is interested in matters that have little to do with the particular complaint about which the patient is most concerned. This is because, before prescribing, the homeopathy doctors want a complete overview of the patient. A remedy is then prescribed for that individual patient and not for his or her disease. Therefore, homeopathy is truly holistic.

Initial Consultation for Homeopathy in Melbourne Australia

The homeopath approaches patient in a holistic manner and regard the physical, emotional and mental or spiritual complaints of each person as intimately connected. Since all are aspects of the whole being of the patient suffering. Homeopaths understand that symptoms of disease are evidence of the body’s natural and automatic effort to heal itself and these clues are used to guide them when prescribing a remedy.

Your homeopathic doctors in Melbourne will ask detailed question on all aspects of your life past and present. Be as detailed and thorough as possible, what you may determine as unusual, trivial or unimportant could hold a greater significance to your homeopath. Initial consultations are long, could last an hour or more and all discussions are treated with the strictest confidence.

Your homeopath understands that establishing good health involves treating both mind and body, so time is taken to listen to your emotional and physical symptoms. To stimulate your body’s own healing process, a remedy closest to your individual symptom picture is prescribed. Healing beings from within your body, strengthening your health and immune system, without any danger of damaging side effects.

Follow-up consultation

Generally, the follow-up visit will be approximately two to four weeks after the first interview and remedy prescription at the best homeopathy clinic in Australia. In simple cases, a patient will feel significantly better after the first treatment. The follow-up visits are used to determine what additional methods or remedies are required. In some cases, it may be required to use more than one remedy sequentially so that balance and full health can be restored.

Treating the Person not the Disease

Homeopathic physicians consider it better to treat the sick person rather than the disease. The orthodox Homeopath will sit with his patient for one or two hours, soliciting information on how the patient feels throughout his entire body and mind. Once the doctor has a picture of the whole person, he consults the Materia Medica to find the one best remedy for all of the symptoms.

Because homeopathic doctors look at patients as whole persons, rather than a series of symptoms or carriers of a disease, they often prescribe different remedies for patients suffering from the same disease. This makes controlled studies problematical, but basic principles of homeopathy indicate clearly why this must be so. The remedies which are made come from animal, vegetable, chemical and mineral sources. However, the end product contains only minute amounts of the original sources.

Drugs like morphine, cocaine and arsenic can also be used, but in their diluted forms to render them marvellously effective for good. Even substances which in their natural states have little or no obvious effect upon the human body (i.e. sand, charcoal, common salt, etc.) develop powerful healing properties when matched with the right patient and after being diluted and potentized

Natural Healing

Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body to resist negative toxins and thereby heal itself. Adequate rest, appropriate diet and a satisfactory environment will also support recovery. Rapid results can be achieved in acute illness, but if the patient’s vitality is low, long-term treatment may need to be undertaken. Sometimes irreversible bodily changes have already taken place. In these cases other forms of medical or surgical treatment may be necessary to give the patient a fresh start. Then homeopathy will help prevent deterioration or recurrence.

In summary, homeopathy is a form of medicine that assists the body in healing itself. It does not reject the great discoveries of modern medical science, only their commercial abuse. Homeopathy has stood the test of time, helping people achieve health not only in the last 150 years, but since its discovery 2000 years ago. Take advantage of the availability of this natural, non-abusive treatment.

Children’s Health

A growing number of parents are concerned about the potential side effects of conventional drugs and are now turning to the safer medicine-homeopathy. Infants and children respond wonderfully to simple homeopathic remedies. With Homeopathy children’s health can improve and chronic conditions often clear up completely and never come back. It is safe with no harmful side effects. Homeopathy heals by looking at the whole individual and can be effective in unexpected ways. To name some eminently children disorders, where homoeopathy works very well : Infant’s colic, Fever, Teething problems, Vomiting, Dysentery, Nephrotic Syndrome (Kidney disease), Growth related problems, Convulsions (Epilepsy), Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity, Infantile Eczema, Jaundice, Brain infections (Meningitis), Fungal infections, Warts, Hair-Loss (Alopecia), Growing pains, Poor concentration, Arthritis in children, Psoriasis, Leucoderma (white spots), Pimples, and Thyroid problems to name a few. Homoeopathy can be proclaimed to be definitely effective, for various emotional disorders occurring commonly in the new generation children of this 20th century. Various psychosomatic disorders such as Bed-wetting, Headaches, and Gastritis respond to homoeopathy

Women’s Health

Homeopathy in Melbourne can be used to treat many common physical and emotional symptoms associated with menstrual cycles, hormone imbalances, and pre-menstrual syndrome. Because of its emphasis on treating the whole patient on a physical, mental, and emotional level, it is ideally suited for treating the wide range of possible symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle. Because homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s healing system to regain a sense of balance, problems involving hormonal imbalances respond well to homeopathic treatment. Increasing numbers of women are making use of homeopathy during labour and childbirth, and homeopathic treatment can be very helpful after delivery, or during breast-feeding.

Animal Health

Frustrated with the failures of conventional veterinary medicine, a growing number of veterinarians are turning to homeopathic veterinary medicine as a safe and effective alternative to conventional veterinary practice. Homeopathic remedies use minute amounts of substances to act as a trigger to the body and stimulate its natural immune system. We are attempting to make your pet as healthy as he or she can be and gradually build up their body to the best that it can be. We are working with the immune system and not against it and aiming for a heal.

Homeopathy Treatment

The goal of the homeopathic treatment is to encourage the body to return to a natural state of balance and health. Like the missing pieces of a puzzle, homeopathic medicines help “fill-in” the gaps in the body to stimulate a person’s own healing potential and energies. When this occurs, the person will have access to the body’s natural strength and wisdom, so that more conventional medicines and chemical-based substances may not be needed.

Patient’s role

Open Communication & Observation

While it is the homeopath’s job to elicit relevant information by asking probing questions, the patient can expect a higher chance of receiving an effective homeopathic remedy if he or she is open and truthful in describing their physical and psychological symptoms. It is also important to be observant of the changes taking place in your system. To that end, you might want to keep a journal or notes on any noticeable changes or shifts in your symptoms or health.

Substances to Avoid

Another important thing to remember is that it is wise to avoid any substances that might interfere with your remedy. Certain substances have been found to reverse (“antidote”) the effects of homeopathic remedies and medicines.

It is suggested that you avoid the following substances, practices and items to insure the best response from your remedy:

  • Coffee
  • Camphor, or camphorated products including products containing eucalyptus and camphor oils
  • Dental work, teeth cleaning, drilling or anesthetics
  • Electric blankets
  • Mint, or mentholated products
  • Nicotine
  • Recreational drugs
  • Some conventional drugs (Be sure to tell your homeopath what you are taking)
  • X-Rays
  • Stress, which can lower the resonance of a homeopathic remedy

Key concepts of homeopathy include:

Homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and processes so as to prevent or treat illness.

Treatment involves giving very small doses of substances called remedies that, according to homeopathy, would produce the same or similar symptoms of illness in healthy people if they were given in larger doses.

Treatment in homeopathy is individualized (tailored to each person). Homeopathic practitioners select remedies according to a total picture of the patient, including not only symptoms but lifestyle, emotional and mental states, and other factors.

To know more about Homeopathy medicine or to make an appointment with one of our highly experienced practitioners please contact on +61 3 90782940 or email at [email protected]

Homeopathy is derived from two Greek words “homoeos” meaning similar and “pathos” meaning suffering. Translated literally, it means “similar suffering“. It is a system of medicine propounded by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, a little over 200 years ago.

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    Melbourne CBD Clinic: 

    Exchange Tower, Suite 807 (Level 8) 530 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000

    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146


    Sunshine Clinic:

    16 Fairbairn Road, Sunshine VIC 3020

    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146


    Taylors Lakes Clinic: 

    1 Fastnet Drive Taylors Lakes, Victoria, Australia 3038

    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146








    Our Clinics »

    Melbourne CBD Clinic: 

    Exchange Tower, Suite 807 (Level 8) 530 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000

    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

    Sunshine Clinic: 

    16 Fairbairn Road, Sunshine VIC 3020

    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

    Taylors lakes Clinic: 

    1 Fastnet Drive Taylors Lakes, Victoria, Australia 3038

    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146






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    In any means, we, AYUR CLINIC team neither claiming to be a modern medical doctor nor we registered in the Australian medical board. The word doctor used here is only to represent or to refer the Ayurveda doctors recognized in India after achieving a Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery qualification. This qualification is recognized in Australia as a naturopath by Vetassess governing body. The information provided on this website is designed to provide helpful information on the ayurvedic subjects discussed. Information on this website should not be considered as a replacement for advice and consultation from a healthcare expert. This content or information is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any ayurvedic condition. For treatment or diagnosis of any ayurvedic condition or difficulties, consult a doctor. The publisher and creator are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require ayurvedic supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, application or use, to any person reading or following the data or information in this website. References are provided for informational purposes only. Readers should be aware that the linked websites listed on this website may change. This site does not recommend or support the self-management of health issues using the information provided on the website. Instead, we insist you to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for guidance. Information on this site is not comprehensive and does not cover all physical conditions, illnesses, weaknesses or their treatment. Contact your healthcare professional promptly if you have any health-related questions. Never neglect or delay ayurvedic advice based upon the information you may have read on this site.

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