Ayurveda Therapies Pre and Post Operative Care

Ayurveda offers a wide range of natural therapies and herbal medicines.
Ayurveda is the knowledge that indicates the appropriate and inappropriate, happy and sorrowful conditions of living, what is auspicious or inauspicious for longevity as well as the measure of life itself. (Charaka Samhita)

Pre & Post Operative Care

Surgery is stressful to our body and mind. Ayurveda , the ancient wisdom of life, provides some guidelines of pre-operative and post-operative care.

Was surgery available in ancient Ayurvedic period?

Certainly. Surgery was chiefly pioneered by Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science has a significant branch called Shalya Chikitsa which deals with Surgery. Sushruta is an ancient surgeon who has written a book called Suśhruta Saṃhitā. The book classifies human surgery into eight categories and elaborates about 300 surgical procedures and 120 surgical instruments. He is called the “father of surgery” and was the first to develop cosmetic plastic surgery.

Does Susruta Samhita deal with pre and post operative care?

Sustruta Samhita has detailed descriptions about anesthesia, pre-operative procedures, operative measures, post-operative procedures, types of bandages, yantras- blunt instruments, shastra – sharp instruments, sutures – stitches and proper use of these instruments etc.

What are pre-operative care necessary for a patient awaiting surgery?

The pre-operative management is called poorva karma. Ayurveda suggests that poorva karma should be done before any surgical procedure. When this pre-operative procedure is carried out, it paves way for the success of the surgery and a complication-free post-operative period. For pre-operative preparation of patient following must be considered –

  • Admission – Patient should stay in hospital for routine investigations and general evaluation.
  • Consent and Counselling – The details of risks involved in the procedure must be explained to the patient and guardian along with the medication to be taken post-operative period. This ancient text also insists on taking a written consent before the surgery!
  • Fasting : Fasting is said to be necessary before surgery. The modern medicine states that the patient shouldn’t take anything orally for about 6 hours prior to the procedure.
  • Sedation : A sedation must be given to the patient the previous night to enable a sound sleep free of the anxieties about the surgery.
  • Care of Bowel and Medications: Enema is given to clear the bowel and anti-biotics to remove the germs from the bowel.
  • Investigations : With all the above precautions, the necessary investigations and discussions must be done.

A proper pre-operative care ensures a successful surgery and the fame of the surgeon.

What are the post-operative care that should be followed after the surgery?

According to Ayurvedic texts, the following are the post-operative care taken to patients –

  • After surgery, the wound is cleansed with herbal infusion to avoid excessive bleeding.
  • A medicinal / herbal smoke is given locally to the wound and it is bandaged with a clean white cloth with necessary herbs.
  • It should be opened only after three days.
  • The patient is not given anything orally for about 6-8 hours after surgery
  • He should reside in an auspicious and hygienic house till recovery surrounded by affectionate and pleasant nurses and friends.
  • A wide comfortable bed that allows him free movement and sleep should be provided
  • The patient should keep himself clean .
  • Should avoid excessive eating, daytime sleep, clashes of emotions like anger, envy etc, should not stand, walk.
  • Should protect the wound and avoid dislike of foods, alcohols, sexual activities.
  • To kill the germs and invading infections, some herbs are kept under the cap of the patient.

There are also customized diet plans recommended in Ayurvedic texts.

Why is pre-operative care and post-operative care important?

A patient undergoes surgery in order to live a long and healthy life. A perfect heal cannot be attained just by the act of surgery. To avoid the complications in post -surgical period, pre-operative care is essential. A surgery can be successful only if the initial physical and mental preparations of the patient is perfect.

Post-operative care is ultimately necessary because physically, the patient should be preserved of post-operative risks of infections. After surgery, the patient is exhausted both physically and mentally.

How does AYUR CLINIC help in recovering?

The doctors in AYUR CLINIC aim at providing a holistic health to patients and try to reduce the chemical drug interventions as much as possible. The immunity and blood quality is boosted and the herbal help is sought to reduce inflammation, pain, regulating bowel movements and regaining the digestive ability. A specialized diet plan and care gives everyone a stress-free recovery.

Inspite of progress and advancements in medical surgery today, an ancient Ayurvedic text written thousands of years ago is still relevant and the pre & post operative principles are still meeting the requirements of modern standards and stands applicable till date.

Ayurveda , the ancient wisdom of life, provides some guidelines of pre-operative and post-operative care.

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    In any means, we, AYUR CLINIC team neither claiming to be a modern medical doctor nor we registered in the Australian medical board. The word doctor used here is only to represent or to refer the Ayurveda doctors recognized in India after achieving a Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery qualification. This qualification is recognized in Australia as a naturopath by Vetassess governing body. The information provided on this website is designed to provide helpful information on the ayurvedic subjects discussed. Information on this website should not be considered as a replacement for advice and consultation from a healthcare expert. This content or information is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any ayurvedic condition. For treatment or diagnosis of any ayurvedic condition or difficulties, consult a doctor. The publisher and creator are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require ayurvedic supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, application or use, to any person reading or following the data or information in this website. References are provided for informational purposes only. Readers should be aware that the linked websites listed on this website may change. This site does not recommend or support the self-management of health issues using the information provided on the website. Instead, we insist you to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for guidance. Information on this site is not comprehensive and does not cover all physical conditions, illnesses, weaknesses or their treatment. Contact your healthcare professional promptly if you have any health-related questions. Never neglect or delay ayurvedic advice based upon the information you may have read on this site.

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